The intellectual intuition of Schelling, as above consciousness, the pure being of Hegel, as an empty abstraction, unvindicated, illegitimately assumed, and arbitrarily developed, are equally useless as bases of metaphysics. They can be used if you want to represent an empty space without using space. The name "Pegasus" is empty; there is nothing to which it refers. In the paper above quoted Aspinall cites a case where the resistance of a train of empty wagons 1830 ft. An ordinary British 10-ton wagon often weighs about 6 tons empty, and rarely much less than 5 tons; that is, the ratio of its possible paying load to its tare weight is at the best about 2 to 1. two other streams, the Carson and the Walker rivers, receive their waters from the eastern slope of this range and empty into lakes bearing their names. Sofia stuffed Dr. Bylun's paper into her empty cup, tossed it, and joined the onlookers lining the street. A friend, but empty without Cynthia beside him. In 1611 circumstances had disgusted him with his new ally; but in 1614 he courted him again, not only on grounds of general policy, but because he hoped that the large portion which would accompany the hand of an infant a would go far to fill the empty treasury~. The empty fruits (after germination of the seed) are found floating in the Indian Ocean, and were known long before the palm was discovered, giving rise to various stories as to their origin. And he smiled most graciously, and looked closely at the empty looms; for on no account would he say that he could not see what two of the officers of his court had praised so much. Rhyn ducked his head into a salon the size of half Kris's castle. As it got later,( the streets became, 27. With an empty treasury and unpaid mutinous troops, no faculty could have helped Requesens to succeed; and he was only an honest official who was worn out in trying to do the impossible. Into the huge delta of the Niger several other rivers (the " Oil Rivers ") empty themselves; the chief being, on the west, the Benin, and on the east the Brass. As a result of this theory, in the case of a retaining wall supporting a vertical face of earth beneath an extended horizontal plane level with the top of the wall, we get p _ wx 2 1 - sin ii 2 I +sin P' [[Reservoir Empty Reservoir Full Ellipses Of Vertical Pressures On Horizontal Joints]]. Dean dusted off a Christmas present bottle of VO with thoughts of re-igniting the glow from Ethel's gin and chasing away the gloom of the empty house but one sip and he re-capped the jug, deciding it wasn't a good idea. The sofa was empty, too, the blanket and sheets piled neatly. He opened the front door without knocking, already sensing it was empty. Empty out definition is - empty. (out) " This stream empties directly into the lake. Most guys were off fighting the war so there was lots of empty slots. At the same time it is unmistakably inspired by a sense of beauty different from the Italian - more piquant and pointed, less languorous, more mannered perhaps, but with less of empty rhythmical effect. Another word for empty. It was obviously no obstacle, considering you've got your coffee and your bed is empty. Bird Song was empty when the Deans returned after retrieving the … It was necessary, in the first place, to give to this absolute a character, to make of it something more than empty sameness; it was necessary, in the second place, to clear up in some way the relation in which the actuality or apparent actuality of nature and spirit ' The briefest and best account in Schelling himself of Naturphilosophic is that contained in the Einleitung zu dem Ersten Entwurf (S.W. Empty means; containing nothing; not filled or occupied, blank, free, leisure, null There's a lot to do around here with Janet AWOL and a bunch of newly empty rooms. The problem of empty names is that empty names have a meaning that it seems they should not have. The roof on the old house had been replaced, but the house stood empty and forlorn. Having thus determined the outer profile under the conditions hitherto assumed, it must be similarly ascertained that the water face is everywhere cap able of resisting the vertical pressure of the masonry when the reservoir is empty, and the base of each compartment must be widened if necessary in that direction also. is the sole ultimate good, and pain the sole evil; that no pleasure is to be rejected except for its painful consequences, and no pain to be chosen except as a means to greater pleasure; that the stringency of all laws and customs depends solely on the legal and social penalties attached to their violation; that, in short, all virtuous conduct and all speculative activity are empty and useless, except as contributing to the pleasantness of the agent's life. 1. make void or empty of contents 2. become empty or void of its content 3. leave behind empty; move out of 4. remove 5. excrete or discharge from the body. He likes the house spotless and the hamper empty every day. When bracts become united, and overlie each other in several rows, it often happens that the outer ones do not produce flowers, that is, are empty or sterile. Having passed the Guards and traversed an empty space, Rostov, to avoid again getting in front of the first line as he had done when the Horse Guards charged, followed the line of reserves, going far round the place where the hottest musket fire and cannonade were heard. ]; void, as discriminated here, specifically stresses complete or vast emptiness [void of judgment]; vacuous, now rare in its physical sense, suggests the emptiness of a vacuum It was even suggested that the titular Abbasid caliphs (who retained an empty title in Cairo under Mameluke protection, should be reinstated at Bagdad, but this proposal was not carried into effect. Explanation: Examples: In most cases "empty … The administrative machinery of the state still existed, but it worked in empty air: its taxpayers disappeared, those who were amenable to its legal jurisdiction slipped from its grasp, -and the number of those whose affairs it should have directed dwindled away. The grades must not be too great for brake control nor for the hauling back of the empty cars. Having no occupants; not being used: an empty chair. For the endless chain system, which is much used in the Wigan district, a double line of way is necessary, one line for full and the other for empty tubs. 2. Someone else decides to empty the cities and send all the young people to go fight in the war? Verbi frasali: Inglese: Italiano: empty [sth] out, empty out [sth] vtr phrasal sep phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], "call the game off," "call off the game." Banal, empty platitudes fill its pages like wet cardboard clogging a dustbin. Another word for emptying. "But it can't be he, alone in the midst of this empty field!" Care must be taken not to expose goods in the plating-bath to too high a current density, else they may be "burnt"; they must never be exposed one at a time to the full anode surface, with the current flowing in an empty bath, but either one piece at a time should be replaced, or some of the anodes should be transferred temporarily to the place of the cathodes, in order to distribute the current over a sufficient cathode-area. empty. Sometimes they are empty, no flower-buds being produced in their axil. What man but a philosopher would not be ashamed to see his furniture packed in a cart and going up country exposed to the light of heaven and the eyes of men, a beggarly account of empty boxes? When with due circumspection Napoleon was informed that Moscow was empty, he looked angrily at his informant, turned away, and silently continued to walk to and fro. 9. li Fertile glume and pale cartilaginous, coriaceous or papery; empty glumes more delicate, usually herbaceous, the lowest usually smallest. But "in perpetuo" was an empty form of words in those turbulent Italian republics. He sat for a minute trying to figure out how to fix things, but came up empty. I rode shotgun in an ancient Ford with a flag of Nigeria painted on the dashboard while Howie hung over the seat amid a month's supply of fast food wrappers and not a few empty beer cans. If George Eliot is guilty of a platitude when she says that " consequences are unpitying," then Butler's argument is empty: but not otherwise. The musicians pack up in the now empty auditorium. On the one hand were the English plantations, populated, cultivated, profitable, stretching along the east coast of North America; on the other were the Canadian settlements, poverty-stricken, empty, over-officialled, a cause of constant expense to the home government, and, at a vast distance, those of Louisiana, struggling and bankrupt. The mould-train now carries its empty moulds to a cooling yard, and, as soon as they are cool enough to be used again, carries them back to the neighbourhood of the converters to receive a new lot of steel. She was irritated to see Sirian's trencher empty. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. Many kinds of plants, though : 41. Now, in order that a reservoir may enable the varying flow, represented cumulatively by the irregular line, to be discharged in a continuous and uniform flow to satisfy a demand represented cumulatively by the straight line a a, its capacity must be such that it will hold not only the II% surplus of the same year, but that, on June loth, when this surplus has been used to satisfy the demand, it will still contain the water c d-19%stored from a previous year; otherwise between June 10th and August 31st the reservoir will be empty and only the dry weather flow of the stream will be available for supply. We motored by moderately maintained modest houses and empty spaces before turning onto the main street. Does he think me so naïve that I'd leap at some empty promise? lat., which empty into the river Santa Cruz; the fjordian Lake San Martin, 49 S. An empty stomach did little to relieve her misery, though. To remove all of the contents of some space or container. She listened joyfully (as though she had not expected it) to the charm of the notes reverberating, filling the whole empty ballroom, and slowly dying away; and all at once she felt cheerful. Some appeared empty while others…she stopped looking when she saw the fanged moth man. The assembly protested, but was appeased by the empty formula, "This is your doge an it please you.". Megan greeted her way through a handful of guests on her route to an empty chair. I came back to the inn, asked for some large empty bottles, and made the amalgam. The field was empty, his men preparing for another space battle. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " The students completely emptied their desks. Calling the weight of the empty vessel w, when filled with the liquid W, and when filled with the standard substance W l, it is obvious that W - w, and W1 - w, are the weights of equal volumes of the liquid and standard, and hence the relative density is (W - w)/(Wi - w). My teacher complains that my work is so messy that she can’t read it and she wants me to be. The treasury was empty, the Boers refused to pay their taxes, and there was no power to enforce them. After Alex left, she stared at the empty doorway. Dean yelled to the empty phone, slamming down the receiver and mashing his pillow into a ball. She walked room by room, seeking an empty one, and finally found a room that didn't seem taken. Milwaukee Bay, into which their combined waters empty, is an inlet of Lake Michigan, about 6 m. The northern portion of this ridge forms the water-parting between the streams that empty into Hudson Bay and those that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Bird Song was empty when the Deans returned after retrieving the Jeep and making their way to the inn by back streets. The most curious looker, who sat at the first desk, scurried to an empty desk three stations away and began rummaging through the drawers. She started the coffee and picked up an empty pop bottle from the counter to discard in the trash. The great desert known as the Dahna or the Rub`a el Khali (" the empty quarter ") is believed to cover all the interior of southern Arabia from the borders of Yemen in the west to those of Oman in the east. Dean found the motel without difficulty and with the use of his police badge, he obtained access to the empty room. My teacher complains that my work is so messy that she can’t read it and she wants me to be. Plough all empty ground if practicable, and, whenever time will permit, do trenching and subsoiling. When they entered the building, there was only an empty corridor. A parliamentary commission, appointed to inquire into the charges against him, discovered only that Crispi, on assuming office in 1893, had found the secret service coffers empty, and had borrowed from a state bank the sum of £12,00o for secret service, repaying it with the monthly instalments granted in regular course by the treasury. I trudged through a boring day, knowing I'd return to an empty apartment as Betsy was off to Los Angeles for the entire week. In 349 Euboea and Olynthus were lost to the league, of which indeed nothing remained but an empty form, in spite of the facts that the expelled Olynthians appealed to it in 348 and that Mytilene rejoined in 347. A hollow empty feeling engulfed her, resurrecting Nicks face in the car window. Ghostly, veiled ladies of exceptional height passed in somber silence past an empty bier while a shadowy figure looking like a cross between Hercule Poirot and Fred O'Connor lurked behind a pillar, watch­ing. At best, these phrases add words to a sentence without adding meaning. breathtaking to see the beauty He is creating in lives that were broken and wasted and empty. shelter himself under the authority of Plato; but, as the Xenocratean numbers, though professedly ideal as well as mathematical, were in fact mathematical only, this return to the Platonic terminology was no more than an empty form. At the head of the plane is mounted a drum or sheave, and around it passes a rope, one end of which is attached to the loaded cars at the top, the other to the empty cars at the foot. The bladder of her blood lay empty beside her body. They even take care to put their empty wrappings and bottles in the litter bins, and that's something a lot of adults could well emulate. The new regent had to deal with an empty exchequer and with a strong opposition to her daughter's marriage with the dauphin. He looked at the wall where Elisabeth's painting should be and saw empty space with spattered blood around it. "Empty Spaces" is a transitional song. Newspapers ceased publication, the town council suspended sessions, churches and business buildings were alike empty. We were nearly across the empty floor before a clerk spotted us. empty out 1. In metaphysics and the philosophy of language, an empty name is a proper name that has no referent. : A campaign has started by residents to stop plans for a three-storey block of flats in the garden of an empty house. Traduzioni in contesto per "empty" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: empty-handed, it's empty, on an empty stomach, up empty, empty space Several stories of empty rooms rewarded their search, but nothing more; so after a time they came back to the platform again. He snatched the talisman hanging near the door, the one that freed inmates from their cells. - Spikelet of Oat (Avena sativa) laid open, showing the sterile bracts gl, gl, or empty glumes; g, the fertile or floral glume, with a dorsal awn a; p, the pale; fs, an abortive flower. According to the backwards message, Old Pink is now at an insane asylum (within his mind) which means that the new Pink is taking over. ), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. Another word for empty. Does the sentence mean that the box was empty for real, does it or mean that I guessed the box was empty (i.e. If the given sentence means that the box was empty for real, then, it means the same as the following sentence, right? The parking lot was empty, and the only sign of unusual activity was the open gate. Brady asked, gazing at the empty highway system on one side of them and the city on the other. 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