Dogs, like people, can go into anaphylactic shock if they have a severe reaction to an allergen. I’m not one to jump on rumors, especially something as serious as this. Allergic Reaction Symptoms. Your dog can easily experience an allergic reaction to other dogs. You may have heard rumors that Febreze has been responsible for harm, and even death of dogs and cats before. Home fragrances, usually in the form of air fresheners and scented candles can trigger allergy symptoms or exacerbate existing allergies and cause more severe asthma attacks, according to a … When I let my cats back in the room they always have a good sniff and investigate the areas I’ve sprayed. In this case, “due care” means not spraying it directly on pets, and removing birds from the room during its application. If you found this interesting, check out – Are Bath and Body Works Wallflowers Safe for Pets? Anti-Allergen Solution by Ecology Works is a stain-free … By, Jul 24, 2020 / Not every animal will have a reaction,just like not every human has allergies. Did Rep. Boebert Tweet About Speaker Pelosi’s Location During Capitol Riot? What Size Carrier Do I Need for 12 Pound Cat? None of which should happen if you’re using Febreze as directed and applying some common sense. In fact, they say it’s “now approved by the ASPCA for safe use around cats and dogs.” Given the choice between believing an anonymous e-mail message and the ASPCA, we’ll side with the ASPCA. 4.4 out of 5 stars 142. It’s important to remember that food allergies can develop at any time. They have an ever-expanding line of products, such as wax melts, fragrance plugins, air fresheners and so on. If you know your dog is an allergy sufferer, the best treatment is preventing an allergic reaction before it happens. Dust mites eat skin cells shed by people, and they thrive in warm, humid environments. Skin reactions can develop and break out at various places on the body, particularly following close contact with the dog (e.g. Hypoallergenic breeds of dogs shed less than others so they may be less likely to cause allergic reactions. To understand the potential risk of a product, you need to know exactly what’s in it. oz., 8.8 FZ Rocco & Roxie Supply Professional Strength Stain and Odor Eliminator, Enzyme-Powered Pet Odor and Stain Remover for Dogs and Cat Urine, Spot Carpet Cleaner for Small Animal. I typically spray and air out any items outside that I can easily move. Dust mites - Many dogs are allergic to dust mites and carpets are great places for them to gather Fleas - Fleas are one of the most common causes of skin allergies in canines, and they can easily hide in the carpet. Air fresheners can temporarily make a home smell better, but the chemicals in these products can cause allergic reactions and other health problems. LivePure LP-SPR-32 Anti-Allergen 32 OZ Fabric Spray for Household Surfaces, Upholstery, Allergies from Dust Mites and Pet Dander, White. My dog Bruce has had 4 seizures in less than a week. This is saying, however, that when used correctly there is no risk of harm to cats and dogs. Studies show that use of air fresheners in the home can trigger asthma and allergies, along with other breathing problems. Three things cause allergic dermatitis: fleas, food allergies, and atopic—or environmental—allergies. In dogs, we see major reactions like this if they are bitten by an insect (bee or wasp) or if they have an injection of medication (like a vaccine) they’re allergic to. (We’re not going to hear from all the pet owners who didn’t use Febreze but saw their pets taken ill in similar fashion, after all.) It wasn't febreze but a derivative of it~so possibly worse despite the 'safe for pets' listing... Also it was several hours post spraying, but if she rubbed her face and for whatever reason it reacted badly in her system it is enough for me to abort using it on anything my dogs may touch... Snowing again today and no allergic reaction.. 95. He still is itching and has what the vet has Hot Spots. The main symptoms of an allergic reaction include: I recommend that you take your pup to a veterinarian for an exam and treatment. Some people may also experience signs of asthma, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. Prevention. Febreze contains chemicals linked to neurotoxicity, which means the chemicals are poisonous to the nerves or nerve cells. I haven't used the Febreeze yet to see if she'll start sneezing again. ... Febreze Fabric Refresher Pet Odor Eliminator Air Freshener (1 Count, 67.6 FL Oz), 4.409 Pound. Good luck. Were Panic Buttons Removed From Democratic Lawmaker’s Office Prior to Insurrection? Febreze Fabric Spray has been safely used in 40 million pet owning homes around the world. Sadly, the growing number of canines is poorly bred, making them more inclined to health conditions, including hypersensitivities. So, I didn’t start working on this article without doing some detailed research. Is it plausible that this product has been killing dogs left and right, and this is the first we’re hearing of it? Please do not use Febreze anywhere near your pets! There’s a big difference between “My pet died after I used Febreze” and “My pet died because I used Febreze.” Is it possible these deaths may have been coincidental? Did 23 People In Norway Die After Receiving COVID Vaccine? That statement is directed mostly at cats and dogs as they are the most common household pets. Hi My Dog had an allergic reaction to his Grooming Shampoo. Claim:   Ordinary use of Febreze brand fabric refresher poses a general danger to household pets. Flea allergy dermatitis is an allergic reaction to fleabites. Fragrance Allergies: A Sensory Assault. What they will state instead is that I have elected not to vaccinate my dog. Febreze themselves have issued statements saying they’ve tested it. While some foods may be top shelf, they can also cause allergic reaction and other allergy-related problems that will greatly hinder their health if they are not dealt with. The last reaction is allergic dermatitis, and it is rampant in dogs. During the summer months, when your furry friend is enjoying time outdoors, he or she, unfortunately, become an all-you-can-eat buffet. For larger items like a couch or carpet, I make sure my cats are out and try to keep them out of the room until it’s dried out. Did Members of Congress Provide ‘Reconnaissance Tours’ Before Capitol Riots? Febreze or anything like that has always been instant migraine, for me. So what we do is take the dog off all the foods it's eating and we put him on a food that they have never had before. Long term effects are also possible. Tide Febreze Allergic Reaction? There are various ways to figure out what your dog is allergic to and then treat those allergies, but first, you need to know what to look for. By, Jun 05, 2020 / For example, after a bee sting or insect bite, your dog may experience localized redness or itching of the skin. Febreze is one of the most well-known household odor eliminators on the market and is manufactured by Procter & Gamble. Allergic reactions are often secondary to exposure to some type of antigen (an allergen). A: There’s only one way to diagnose food allergies accurately, and that is an elimination diet and challenge. Q: How do I determine if my dog has food allergies, or something else is causing the problem? These rumors are not true. Thanks: Answer by Val: Submitted on 10/2/2003: Rating: Not yet rated: I know I’ve heard something along those lines over the years. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It is the contaminants that they might be hosts to, that make your dog allergic to any other dog. You will often see facial swelling, vomiting , or even more severe signs of trouble breathing and collapse if they undergo a true anaphylaxis reaction. Some allergic reactions are so mild you may barely notice them. Welcome to, home of true odor elimination. About me, UpgradeYourCat, and the mission to serve cat owners around the world. Find your favorite Febreze products and get tips to breathe happy. A food your dog has consumed for years with no troubles may suddenly cause an allergic reaction, or symptoms may develop soon after you change your dog’s diet. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), has previously issued the following statement on Febreze: Based on a thorough review by veterinary toxicologists at The ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center, together with other outside experts, The ASPCA considers Febreze safe in households with dogs and cats when used as directed. Yes, Febreze is safe to use around cats and dogs (not birds). It can cause the body to go into shock resulting in decreased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, collapse and loss of control of the urinary bladder and bowels. If a dog is sensitive to medication used for flea and tick treatment, then it could have an allergic reaction.If placed on the back of the neck, flea or tick medication could cause the dog to develop an itchy spot where the oily liquid contacted the skin. One of the more common causes of anaphylaxis in dogs and cats are vaccines. The ASPCA's toxicology team reports that the air freshener is free of danger, with no links between medical problems or fatalities in pets -- phew. This process is commonly referred to … July 21, 2020 The use of fragrance in products is on the rise -- and so is the number of people affected by them. Was ‘TRUMP’ Carved into a Florida Manatee’s Back. Febreze was tested for nearly 5 years by scientists, doctors, safety experts and veterinarians, and all have come to the same conclusion: Febreze is safe to use around pets. The first thing that is really important to understand: the product does not remove odor molecules and it … Most dog allergies can be treated on the spot, either by a vet or by a pet owner that possesses the correct medication. Is Febreze safe for pets? Allergic reactions are a very common cause for midnight visits to the emergency room for dogs. Behavior Advice, Latest Products, Toys, Food, and Cute Pics! Of course, the statement that Febreze is “safe” assumes that it is being used with normal due care by pet owners; nearly any product can be dangerous when misused. Having a cat or dog allergy is also a risk Did Marine Corps Tell Pelosi, ‘We Don’t Work For You’? Obviously, there are some chemicals in Febreze that could cause some irritation if it comes into contact with animals directly, however. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the nation’s leading authority on pet safety, has investigated these rumors and issued the following statement: The following is a list of only some of the chemicals that were identified with the EWG test conducted on Febreze Air Effects air freshener. Dr. holding/cuddling/petting animal or where the dog has rubbed against or licked them), but rashes on the chest and face are typically indicative of a more severe, hive allergy response. These are most commonly caused by insect bites or stings, but they may have other causes as well. Harsh carpet cleaners - Cleaning products can include chemicals such as propylene glycol which may instigate allergic reactions They have much smaller lungs and are more sensitive respiratory systems. Febreze is classified as an air freshner, created by Proctor & Gamble. (Or In General), Are Morning Glories Poisonous to Cats? Allergic reactions are often secondary to exposure to some type of antigen (an allergen). The keywords in that statement are “used as directed”. By, Jul 05, 2020 / These aren’t safe for pets! American Thinker joined the likes of Newsmax in issuing a correction to various claims it... A photograph of someone carrying a bust of Abraham Lincoln out of the White House... Is the Donald J. Trump State Park in New York Real? I noticed it makes them blink and step back a bit at first, it’s a strong smell to their sensitive noses. He also has been regroomed with a sensitive skin … Dog allergic reaction bumps are one of the reasons why dog owners take their dog to the veterinarian. Some dogs are allergic to flea saliva. By, best enzymatic cleaners for cat urine here, Are Bath and Body Works Wallflowers Safe for Pets, Why Do Cats Pant in the Car? You do have to be more careful around smaller animals, and birds in particular. What our dogs eat reflects their life in every way. As pet owners, we should always check the products we’re using are safe to use around our pets, which brings up the question – Is Febreze Safe for Pets? Dogs can be allergic to almost anything but some of the most common triggers include insect venom, snake venom and certain medications. Occasionally (although it’s rare) dogs can even be allergic to cats, just as humans often are! Febreze contains chemicals linked to hormone disruption and developmental problems. The smaller the animal, such as a mouse or hamster, the more affected they are by airborne products. Skin Allergies In Dogs . Dogs who have sudden allergic reactions to irritants have acute allergies. Somewhere in upstate New York, gigantic signs advertise this park. Otherwise, you may have to feel for them. Is it possible that a very small fraction of pets (but only a very small fraction) react to something in the product? Has anyone had a dog or dogs with an allergic reaction to febreze or swiffer wet? Many people with dust mite allergy also experience signs of asthma, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing.Dust mites, close relatives of ticks and spiders, are too small to see without a microscope. Dog allergies are a reaction to foreign substances in your dog’s immune system – which is the same cause of allergic reactions in humans! That statement is directed mostly at cats and dogs as they are the most common household pets. An alternative treatment, however, could be to use vaccinations to prevent these dog allergies from taking hold. Is it possible that these pet owners contributed to the problem by misuse of the product, such as spraying it directly on their pets? “Based on a thorough review by veterinary toxicologists at The ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center, together with other outside experts, The ASPCA considers Febreze safe in households with dogs and cats when used as directed.”. If anything so goofy and lovable as a dog could be claimed to have an arch enemy, this nemesis would take the form of parasites that feast on your dog’s blood. In 1999, along came an anonymous warning about Procter & Gamble’s Febreze (rhymes with “sea breeze”) Fabric Refresher product imploring consumers to avoid it because it’s supposedly harmful to household pets. I know they show febreeze as a "safe" deoderizer to use around pets, but you are spraying chemicals. Hello If your dog has hives, that typically means that he is having an allergic reaction. Dogs are just as susceptible to allergens as humans are, and sometimes can be even more sensitive them. The answer to whether or not Febreze is safe for dogs or cats (and their humans) is YES! Birds, in particular, are uniquely sensitive to airborne products, like Febreze, so it’s recommended they are removed from the room until it’s fully ventilated. As long as you’re using it properly and taking the precautions I outlied above, you can use Febreze around your home to remove pet odors. However, it can sometimes be much harder to spot in your furry friend, simply because the way you might react to a certain allergen isn’t necessarily the way your dog will react.. For instance, heavy pollen counts could make your eyes itch and water, or cause sneezing and stuffiness. Please pass this information on to other pet owners/caretakers,before more animals are injured or killed, and find a safer method of odor control. Diagnosing food allergies in dogs isn’t always a straightforward process. I haven't done anything else differently. Pyoderma, or secondary bacterial infection, can occur and is usually responsive to antibiotics. You do have to be more careful around smaller animals, and birds in particular. You should also keep in mind that it is not a specific dog breed that your dog might be allergic to. Pet hair itself can also act as a carrier of other airborne allergens: pollen, house dust mite and mould, which can cause allergic symptoms in individuals with hay fever, asthma, or eczema (2). There have been multiple instances of dogs and birds who have died or became very ill after being exposed to Febreze, a deodorizer/air freshener. This means knowing what your dog is allergic to and minimizing exposure. Allergic Skin Conditions. But happy to say I’ve always managed to keep my house smelling fresh without exposing my pets to any harmful cleaning products. Is it possible that some other factor caused or had a hand in these pets’ illnesses (as the warning alludes to by mentioning a “diet change”)? Posted By: Chewy Editorial. Seems odd that a pastor in rural Texas would be the first to get the... Will January 2021 Feature a Full ‘Wolf Moon’? This can result in the itchy and inflamed skin conditions characteristic of an allergic reaction in canines. The latest version of Febreze uses a different agent to speed drying, P&G said. By, Jun 11, 2020 / 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) This chemical is a known carcinogen and an EPA-registered pesticide that is found in the majority of air fresheners. Chocolate, sweets, pastries, smoked foods should be once-for-all-time excluded from the pet’s diet. How Are Dog Food Allergies Diagnosed? Learn more from WebMD about allergies to dogs - including causes, symptoms, and treatment - and how to reduce your allergic reaction. Here’s what you need to know to protect your pet. Symptoms of Allergies in Dogs. Searching for freshness? I may not subject her to that because I know, deep down, that that was probably the root-cause of her problem. There is one dog who lost most of her hair after being accidentally sprayed Carpet allergies may be related to the components of the carpet itself, or they may be due to something that the carpet was treated or infested with. Would you know what to do if your dog has an allergic reaction? Copyright 2020 by Upgrade Your Cat. Contact your vet immediately if your dog is having an allergic reaction. This isn’t a big deal as it usually only takes 15-30 minutes to dry. Symptoms of dog allergies can include puffiness around the face, watery and/or swollen eyes, a runny nose, itching, and irritated skin. What’s in Febreze: Ingredients and Toxicity. Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny bugs that commonly live in house dust. Dogs, as it turns out, can suffer from allergies much like people suffer from allergies. Obviously, there are some chemicals in Febreze that could cause some irritation if it comes into contact with animals directly, however. Yes, Febreze is safe to use around pets when you use it responsibly and as directed. I mean, you’re not going to spray a dog’s bedding or your cat’s favorite sleeping spot while there using it! Right after that a rash appeared on both of my legs. Two of the specific concerns about Febreze — that it contains zinc chloride (which is supposedly harmful to pets) and that it uses aerosol propellants (which pose a danger to many types of birds) — are not viable: the improved Febreze formula (produced since December 1998) does not contain zinc chloride, and Febreze is a pump spray rather than an aerosol. If you have used it near your pets or on their bedding, clean the bedding/area thoroughly to remove the Febreze, and move the animals away from the area. Febreze Fabric Spray has been safely used in 40 million pet owning homes around the world. Anaphylaxis is the most severe and serious type of allergic reaction. It reports to work by “trapping” odor molecules in a donut-shaped chemical. Allergic reactions are a very common cause for midnight visits to the emergency room for dogs. According to Snopes, which is always a reliable resource for checking out what’s really been proven, and what’s merely an internet rumor or myth. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of The evidence offered is that several (also anonymous) pet owners allegedly had animals that became seriously ill or died after Febreze had been introduced into their households. When you throw in dogs with inhalant or environmental allergens (like pollen or mold) and flea allergies, you’re looking at a sizeable portion of the canine population that’s suffering from allergies. I would never spray crap like that in my house, esp. Vaccines are an important part of preventative care for all pets. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 18. $14.29 $ 14. Used as directed, Febreze is safe to use around pets. Learning the signs of allergic reactions is the first step. When you first use them, a pet might immediately withdraw from the area or cower. This is backed up by what’s actually on a Febreze bottle. This information is aimed primarily at dog and cat owners; Febreze acknowledges that consumers should be cautious about using Febreze (or any other aerosol or spray product) around birds: However, as birds are uniquely sensitive to some airborne household products and environmental factors, experts recommend removing the bird from the room until the product application has fully ventilated, like you would do with any household cleaning product. Any allergen can cause anaphylaxis in pets. But even if these unfortunate, anonymous pet owners did indeed lose their dogs after using Febreze, as the message claims. Do not feed your dog with too salty or too sweet foods. Febreze contains chemicals that irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs. Allergies are common in dogs. Although I have this letter from my vet, the local department of Animal Control does not have to recognize it. For seasonal allergic reactions, Benadryl tends to work best for most breeds. "Like all our products, Febreze and its ingredients were tested extensively to ensure that the product is safe for humans, pets, and the environment," the P&G fact sheet said. And after vaccination, its not uncommon for a pet to experience some joint or muscle soreness, lethargy or even a mild fever. Dog Allergic Reactions to Fleas and Ticks. Almost any product that contains potentially harmful chemicals can cause harm if used incorrectly. 1 Looking at the label and instructions on the back of a Febreze bottle I have in my hand, it says: Safe to use around cats and dogs. Unfortunately, we often never know the cause for the allergic reaction, but … Just as with other household products, there’s always the remote possibility of an allergic reaction, but most likely this would involve some mild facial swelling or eye redness. Feature Image: Via y_seki/iStock/Thinkstock Skin issues: Hives, also known as urticaria, may pop up 6 to 24 hours after your dog eats the food they are allergic to. This is not just my opinion or guess, there’s some interesting information available to verify that Febreze is safe for dogs, cats and humans too (to use around them) that you may not already know. Kibble diets are extremely unhealthy for dogs. With pets in the home, even though the product has been classified as safe, I only spray it when my cats are not in the room. Anti-Allergen Solution by Ecology Works. This product is marketed as safe around animals, and people have sprayed their dogs’ bedding to remove the doggy smell, only to discover later on that their dog became deathly ill from it. A pet might cough, sneeze, produce discharge from the eyes and/or nose, or suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or lack of appetite. Skin problems can have a variety of causes, sometimes more than one. People can be allergic to anything. Even a mild fever no risk of a product, you may to. 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