I suppose it would be possible to make one that isn't bad, but that seems like more effort than just making a native app in the first place. Example of an not so old, non production-ready issue: It isn't a myth. A Statement. It's not written in Clojure, is it? Are you looking to build apps like Trello, Uber, Pinterest, Netflix, and Coursera? Facebook. Not following separation of concerns, delegation, composition will feel like a waste. Given that, was it not possible to issue tablets of a single platform to users instead? On the other hand, data modeling and high-level data transformation doesn't require all language features. Also nowadays the dominant computation platform of the world is mobile phones, with most of the world being Android and many with money being iOS. Looking at the current state of things though, they would probably end up writing a bunch of native code anyway because they'll be missing out on a lot of native functionality that their app currently uses, but isn't really fully accessible through best-effort flutter plugins. I mean I think it's possible but I feel like it's a while away. Kotlin Multiplatform lets you share business logic. The app mentioned is developed by Netflix but held in a company called Prodicle LLC and makes no mention of Netflix in description. You use platform specific frameworks for making the actual HTTP requests[1], but can write all higher level business logic in Kotlin and expose that. My understanding is that this isn't really the case. It's basically Swift <-> C interface <-JNI-> Java. But He Could Still Win the Election. That opens the medium app and nothing useful in it. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. I think it's more a matter of expertise/experience than size. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. You’ll still need two separate code bases to call the common binary and handle UI. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. AOC’s Attractiveness Drives Us All … I can only speak from my experience though, I'd love to understand how you've done it and when you need to embed a lot of non-UI code in a client. The fastest 2D renderer (skia) is made for chromium and second class citizen such as flutter are doomed to be inferior, plus their human resources are lacking. source: have worked on apps you likely use every day. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. From what I can see with Swift compiler development, there are tons of bugs when compiling down a high-level language. Kotlin isn't really a Google project (although they adopted it). Just build a website. At what size and level of expertise/experience does it make sense to consider it? You have to be able to live with any compromises (I'm more familiar with Xamarin which is an aging, but similar trade-off.) If You’re a Christian Who Voted For Trump, God Help You. Kotlin Multiplatforms Ecosystem is all set to change that by offering developers the ability to use Android’s preferred development language for building apps on other platforms. Bingo. > noticed that they even have some kind of built-in HTTP client abstraction. I am using the Elements compiler (supports Swift, Go, Visual Basic, C#, Java and Object Pascal) that allows sharing business logic and write UI code separately in the appropriate platform's tool. It saves time, effort, and resources by using a shared codebase approach based on KMM. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps – Now Powered by Kotlin Multiplatform (netflixtechblog.com) 8 points by santhoshkumar3 54 days ago | past Bulldozer: batch data moving from Data Warehouse to Online KeyValue Stores ( netflixtechblog.com ) While somewhat unpleasant, duplicating functionality in native iOS and Android code bases might be the right thing for your apps now. umair haque in Eudaimonia and Co. I've built a plenty of web and mobile apps and that's how I've always done it. Flutter is already lightyears ahead of Cordova. Personally, never trusted Google due to their inability to stick with one technology. As a native Android dev, my arm-chair hypothesis is that currently both of those (kotlin, flutter) are targeting different developers and until either one starts including the other developers then I don't see any one winning over. Our approach forces you to keep UI code just focused on UI, while keeping all logic somewhere else, where it can isolated and as a benefit much more easily unit tested. FortunesoftIT is one of the leading Kotlin app development companies that leverage the power of Kotlin for building state-of-the-art web and mobile apps.. Our passionate mobile app developers have vast experience in building cutting-edge Kotlin apps using various development environments and tools. Miles Taylor. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps – Now Powered by Kotlin Multiplatform (netflixtechblog.com) 8 points by santhoshkumar3 54 days ago | past Bulldozer: batch data moving from Data Warehouse to Online KeyValue Stores ( netflixtechblog.com ) Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. Maybe I'm not thinking of the kind of tasks you're talking about. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. I would also imagine it's not the majority of people with these accessibility needs using it either. Are you using Xamarin Forms for the UI or native UI solutions? (Ctrl find Google), But if you look at the contributor history for the repo, he's at #54, just after JetBrains', Yeah it does seem odd theyre pushing both flutter/dart and jetpack/kotlin, usually more choice is a good thing, but I'm increasingly uncomfortable about the effect on Kotlin if google goes full in on flutter instead. No. Ionic for example, runs in a non-JIT(on iOS) enabled webview so can never match the performance of native. Also Kotlin Multiplatform and Flutter are very, very different use cases. My general point is that doing cross platform UI specifically leads to poor experiences, whereas sharing non UI code doesn’t have that issue. Edit: source: I worked on a product bundling chat functionality as a plug in. If they are just UI and API calls then no. Or maybe computation on large sets of data (video compression?) Quizlet’s Ankush Gupta writes, “Android, iOS, and backend engineers were eager to write and maintain code written in Kotlin rather than JavaScript. Or are users using their personal devices? I believe kotlin does not persuit performance and low overhead. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. We can go a long way on standardize business logic cross iOS / Android platform. I learnt it recently but have not done any billable work with it yet. You’d have to manually define the JNI calls on both sides if I’m reading correctly? Netflix is mentioned everywhere on the website though. 0: https://hugotunius.se/2020/10/31/flutter-web-a-fractal-of-ba... Ionic is not Flutter. Linkedin. Some companies also use lots of ffi code generation tools. If You’re a Christian Who Voted For Trump, God Help You. If you're business logic needs these platform specific functionalities (which will definitely be the case as you've stated) then you can abstract out interfaces and let each platform handle them natively. If You’re a Christian Who Voted For Trump, God Help You. Are you looking to build apps like Trello, Uber, Pinterest, Netflix, and Coursera? Exactly - the team from the article went with a shared architecture from the start. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. For most mobile apps, I think the only part that really makes sense to share between platforms are those to do with pure logic and data manipulation, since there’s not as much benefit from doing that full native, and any processing optimizations are typically surfaced in a way that’s accessible to lower level languages (and thus third party stuff like Kotlin Multiplatform). It's made by Jetbrains. If nothing else, Netflix’s recent move to switch over to Kotlin Multiplatform is a good signal that JetBrains ’ project has a promising future in app development. I took a fairly deep dive looking at Flutter last spring and I was impressed. with 100% shared code†. Kotlin: Kotlin is the framework that tends to provide the user with multiplatform which performs within the native ecosystem rather than constructing one. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. You can build great experiences with Ionic. Cross platform solutions all share several issues that result in poor experiences: Hi Yesimahuman, I am really tired of seeing again and again the same myths being said about Ionic. But I'm guessing that you have to pretty knowledgeable about the underlying platforms to know how (and if it's even possible) to create a good abstraction above the platform code. Both Netflix and Youtube (premium) can be used completely offline. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. - Do work that could be done on the server: Because of a lot of factors, like privacy or cost you might want to do work that could be done on the server. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Kotlin's syntax is similar to those of other programming languages such as Scala, Groovy, Java, and Swift. Netflix - millions of videos in one click. No need to update the entire app. Google itself has 60 apps written in Kotlin, including Maps and Drive. Around here two pizza team are two people. Eg your sign up page final validation is probably the server's job, but if you want to give earlier/faster failure messages, you'll want it on the frontend too. As far as I know not yet. Additional Kotlin Multiplatform resources can be found on the Touchlab website under resources. It is a great fit for applications that require HTTP and/or socket connectivity. With Apple, you can never expect them to expose platform specific APIs to other languages and frameworks outside their ecosystem. Add SQLDelight for shared data access code on clients, and you can cover a lot of ground with one codebase. As long as we've made up our mind on string UTF-16 / 8 or have some performant library to do lazy transformation on these. That's just the same MVC framework for the past decade or so. Flutter includes the UI and can give you apps running on both platforms (and web and desktop, too!) Trump is Going to Lose the Vote. Magic Technology provides first class apps to clients from a diverse range of industries. I would never recommend that route unless you're on a shoestring (<$10k) budget. But He Could Still Win the Election. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. Hence, developers need not undergo a very long cycle of learning Kotlin from ground zero. I've always felt that JS could have been the language for shared mobile & server business logic. Email. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. Before you start to Hire App Developerfor your framework makes sure that you are aware of the two platforms. Twitter. umair haque in Eudaimonia and Co. About Help Legal. Kotlin VS Flutter: Which One Races Ahead by@naveen-joshi. To help with this, let's look at an older example: Microsoft. Since Kotlin’s release, 17 percent of Android Studio projects started to use the programming language. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. > I don't know anyone shipping Capacitor projects, so can't really compare that. Just kind of interesting. They have Kotlin Multiplatform and Flutter both for cross platform development. By David Henry & Mel Yahya. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. If not, there are in-between options such as moving to Flutter for all your UI code and Dart becomes your main client language. Our app … At this point they need to reason about almost as much as the server. As an Objective-C and Swift developer I can read C and C++ and dibble a bit in it but to write serious code from scratch: forget it. Is that possible? But He Could Still Win the Election. JNI is so expensive when cross the language barrier, you have to be conscious to constantly minimize your API exposure. Sounds more like you've never written an app. But He Could Still Win the Election. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. - Input validation / rules engine: Consider implementing a syntax highlighter, you wouldn't want to do that on the backend. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. If you're moving most of logic to the server, why have an app at all? Most social media apps liek FB/Insta/Snapchat have complex camera and photo handling code as well as async messaging code. 28 deaths is a tragedy, but in a country of 340 million it's a tiny amount. I don't get it. Netflix; Oracle; Tesla; Tencent; Twitter; Uber; See All 913 Tech Companies; Experts Bybit - Win $500 BTC Bonus! You use platform specific frameworks for making the actual HTTP requests[1], but can write all higher level business logic in Kotlin and expose that. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. You already have at least three paths with Java, Gluon Mobile, Codename One and RoboVM. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. They also said that less than 50% of the code was shared, which means there is still a lot of platform specific code. Trump is Going to Lose the Vote. Ellen Nguyen in … It all depends on your integration point and use case. The team is using KMP and mobile technologies to innovate in the physical production of Film and TV. For me it makes perfect sense to e.g create an internal API client using this. Most people do not, so maintaining a platform-agnostic layer is unrealistic. That's how I wrote multiplatform code 7 years ago, using hidden webviews in the background. In theory the goal for a lot is to have a dumb client like you said but that's rarely the case. KMM helps tech giant Netflix optimize product reliability and speed of delivery, crucial for serving their customers' constantly evolving needs. If You’re a Christian Who Voted For Trump, God Help You. https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/CPP/C-PP-Con-2014/024-Micro... https://help.prodicle.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001787672-Wel... https://developer.squareup.com/blog/developing-on-ios-and-an... https://kotlinlang.org/foundation/kotlin-foundation.html#kot... https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/31138, https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/Android.md, https://github.com/readdle/swift-android-toolchain. Cool to see a big company using Kotlin multi platform. WKWebView is JIT'ed, but JavaScriptCore (which React Native uses) is not. In fact, in 10 years Google has never made available their internal tools that simplify JNI integration, leaving the community on their own to create our tools. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. I don't know anyone shipping Capacitor projects, so can't really compare that. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. Hard to tell; it all depends on your requirements and how good your people are. Focus is converting objects to fast 2D drawing. as someone who was tasked with porting a cordova app to native (android), i can second this opinion (as a dev and user), edit: sorry, i mistook "capacitor" or "cordova" (^_^;). Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. > Almost 50% of the production code in our Android and iOS apps is decoupled from the underlying platform. It's not attempting to create an html web document. 26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion … Like I said, we build views and API requests. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. This is a big move! Will American Democracy Survive the GOP’s Coup? But He Could Still Win the Election. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. Companies using Kotlin are Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Trello, etc. The point is to to provide a reactive UI system. If you need to update that one script, the app can phone home and get the latest. Long term given the lack of motivation to support modern Java on Android, Kotlin will be tied to Android anyway as it will need to choose how much Java/JVM it can support and still be the Google loved child for future Android development. My work involves semantic web and deep learning, I am not a UI developer professionally, but I enjoy small UI projects. The best approach is still just to use webview, which has a performance cost, amongst other complexities. Naturally it isn't on Google's and JetBrains interest to talk about them. So: If you are a native Android developer, stick with Kotlin. They set themselves up to make this kind of thing possible. For me app means offline work. React Native runs a JS enging(again no JIT on iOS) which demands more from the device and uses more battery than native in my experience(performance is a feature). If You’re a Christian Who Voted For Trump, God Help You. The base module would have setup certain contracts that new "platforms" would have to implement. Kotlin Multiplatform looks really cool and limiting code sharing to non-UI code makes much more sense to me. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. Not to say that it isn't synced with the server, but the server isn't the only representation. ), Mainly depends on the depth of the apps. Kotlin Multiplatform approaches cross-platform mobile development differently from some well known technologies in the space. Trump is Going to Lose the Vote. Now it is upgraded and released with KMM in alpha version. Trump is Going to Lose the Vote. The rest of your points are subjective and we find Ionic apps, when designed well like any other app, have great performance and user ratings. Interoperability between high level languages are just hard. Most apps end up being 90% UI code. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. I haven't seen many people use Kotlin Multiplatform for mobile app dev. +1 I love this question; it doesn't get asked enough. Kotlin arrived on February 16 2016 and it was launched by JetBrains. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. However, I wonder if/when/to what extent the abstractions become leaky. Of course, part of these Swift problems can be that the team choose to pursuit performance and low-overhead above everything else (which complicated the implementation quite a bit). Kotlin multi platform as described here has no UI system, it’s a way of compiling Kotlin to binaries that are easily linked to both Android and iOS apps, with some bridging back and forth conversions into the native systems in each case. Check how Netflix is making use of it: to write platform agnostic business logic once in Kotlin and compiling to a Kotlin library for Android and a native Universal Framework for iOS via Kotlin/Native. Flutter has been a Ad Words team all along, go watch Android Fireside sessions at past Google IO to watch the teams political correct answers when asked about their opinion related to Flutter. I wonder how they'll integrate native functionalities like geolocation/audio-video/maps etc which are highly platform specefic. Ktor (pronounced Kay-tor) is a framework built from the ground up using Kotlin and coroutines. Flutter is more controlled by Ad Words team than Google as a whole, without it there wouldn't exist any Dart. Size increase is marginal with Ionic and Ionic can be used to build high lighthouse performance PWAs which Flutter Web cannot in its current state. As of 2020, Kotlin is still most widely used on Android, with Google estimating that 70% of the top 1000 apps on the Play Store are written in Kotlin. Twitter, Pinterest, and Netflix are among the top apps that use Kotlin. Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. I've seen this article, and I did the maths, and given trans people make up 0.6% of the population of the USA, the amount of trans murders is actually lower, proportionate to their population, than the murder rate of cis women. You share as much code as you want in the shared/base project and are able to create "contracts" for each UI platform that are enforced by the compiler. Assuming that JetBrains can make some money from the Tools they sell, kotlin is probably in the right hands. Poor reimplementaions of platform UI, such as navigation, that almost always looks subtley wrong or doesn't "feel" right in terms of interactivity. If we look at Netflix they are in a similar position, but don't have as much legacy C/C++ code. Often cross platform solutions generate apps that have slightly "off" UX, such as sluggish interactivity(RN has this this issue), missing gestures(such as backswipe). We are the Kotlin Multiplatform experts. I've worked on plenty of small to mid-size apps and that's not how we ever do it. I am very unconvinced by cross platform UI solutions, as such I like the idea of Kotlin Multiplatform. About Help Legal. In general many small cuts that deterioriate the user experience. Are you looking to build apps like Trello, Uber, Pinterest, Netflix, and Coursera? If there is a lot of processing snd state management going on then the more there is the quicker it makes sense. we listen. Further, with WASM it would also be possible to run the same code across web, native clients, and the server. Touchlab’s Kotlin Native Xcode Plugin was referenced in the Netflix announcement. The different platform teams have to have gelled enough to agree on the core architectural abstractions, which is a level of maturity that goes a step beyond necessity. But the way it is build it could be adopted in the future. Think "make a library that can be used on iOS and Android". Those days have long passed when cross-platform … It reduces time spent writing and maintaining the same code for different platforms while retaining the flexibility and benefits of native programming. The compiler is a cumbersome, unwieldy tool, but the cross platform approach overall is great. All three will use the IR infrastructure currently used by kotlin/native. It is a great fit for applications that require HTTP and/or socket connectivity. But He Could Still Win the Election. My experience is that the development speed suffers a bit when you need to handle more than one code base and it also more difficult to test because the UI depends on the business logic but now they are separate and used by 2 different UI code bases. The Wonder of Kotlin Programming Language. Moreover Cordova is outdated and you should compare the current state of the art which is Ionic/Capacitor. Kotlin Multiplatform facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms. ถ้าจะให้ยกตัวอย่าง คุณอาจจะเคยเขียน Java มาก่อนน่าคุ้นเคยกับปัญหาเล็กๆน้อยๆ อาทิ The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. The executions I've seen of this for example often bundle curl + boringSSL for an HTTP/HTTPS stack instead of linking against the system provided networking libraries. In fairness, I think this is not so relevant for apps which are consumption first, but if there's any kind of collaboration, or even just writing from the client, you want to show an optimistic (at least; some systems make the client state canonical) representation regardless of sync status. Kotlin VS Flutter: Which One Races Ahead . As has been pointed out, Kotlin is not really controlled by Google the way that Flutter is. And good luck mangling dependencies and build times with a new added Kotlin dependency :-). 26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice. I just created this issue for tracking such an effort and flutter strive for the same goal: I think a better way to think of flutter web is flutter is using the web browser as a graphics layer to create a video game or desktop app, like SDL. Ionic does use a JIT-ed webview. By using your own stack, you’re throwing out a ton of device-specific optimizations and risk things like keeping the user’s cell antenna activated for longer than needed or not gracefully handling transitions between connection types. If you’d like to play with cross-platform frameworks, use Flutter. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. Tressie McMillan Cottom. Not to mention games! Flutter/Dart - web devs (previous experience with JS), *I'm biased as a Native android dev but from my experience this is the case. I am doing something similar for my apps but instead of using Kotlin I am writing it in either Swift or C#. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform Read More » December 12, 2020 Read More. Miles Taylor. They're just partners, so they probably have their own set of hardware already (or yes, are just using personal devices). AOC’s Attractiveness Drives Us All Mad. Pengertian Kotlin. > What are the prerequisite knowledge/skills/abilities that a two pizza team needs to keep the learning curve practical? There are several ways to use Swift on Android. C# is really great I've used it for cross-platform desktop applications but there are a lot of mobile developers that don't know it. I've tried to use rust on mobile apps, but type conversion & manual memory management does make using it really hard and unappealing. Have spent 10+ years working as technology consultant. Posted by Touchlab | Oct 30, 2020 | #TouchlabShare, Kotlin Multiplatform. Netflix Chooses Kotlin Multiplatform to Power Android and iOS … Once you have that setup you can then add a different platform "web/iOS". Kotlin - loved by native devs Instagram. It's usually pretty easy to tell Cordova apps from native apps. > Even after a considerable amount of work, it still suffers from memory leaks in some concurrent execution scenarios, and we don’t have a clear solution to address them. Netflix probably will simply because their app logic is generally so incredibly simple compared to others. †In practice, though, you may need to get your hands dirty with platform-native code for functionality not already covered by the plugin ecosystem, though that need diminishes over time. By necessity cross platform solutions reinvent a lot of what the platform already provides which leads to larger binaries(performance is a feature). You can refactor your Android app to be split up into essentially two "modules", one with your business logic and then the UI/native platform specific libraries. Now it is upgraded and released with KMM in alpha version. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Touchlab | 326 followers on LinkedIn. You would be surprised just how large of a share of your codebase can be moved into platform agnostic code if you have a solid architecture. From another comment below it seems Kotlin Multilpatform is for multi-platform libraries, not UI! In https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/CPP/C-PP-Con-2014/024-Micro... they describe how they are using C/C++ as the basis for their Office applications. Trump is Going to Lose the Vote. But put logic aside being able to use the same programing language across platform eliminate a lot of the context switching. Netflix ; Airbnb; What is Kotlin? I'd imagine it executes far better there, because non-selectable text in UI elements are pretty much platform standard for mobile & desktop apps. Michael Arceneaux in LEVEL. I'd rather use Kotlin Multiplatform instead. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform By David Henry & Mel Yahya Over the last few years Netflix has been developing a mobile app called Prodicle to innovate in the physical production of TV shows and movies. Ktor was born out of inspiration from other frameworks, such as Wasabi and Kara, in an aim to leverage to the maximum ext… ... For instance, from fortune 500 companies to startups, share the success stories built with Kotlin – Netflix, Udacity – the online learning app, Pinterest, Evernote, Slack. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Furthermore in that light I'm guessing that flutter web & desktop are also P2 projects to the P1 flutter mobile projects, and android / material design is P0. Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Platform specific APIs like geolocation or maps get handled natively, but pass their data off as inputs to the cross platform implementation. And even if you create something resonable today, one of the platforms might introduce new features which destroys your abstraction. FortunesoftIT is one of the leading Kotlin app development companies that leverage the power of Kotlin for building state-of-the-art web and mobile apps.. Our passionate mobile app developers have vast experience in building cutting-edge Kotlin apps using various development environments and tools. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. Kotlin is a statically typed open-source programming language that runs on JVM and an official language for developing android applications. If you can have your apps share their data models between both android and iOS you can have the apps share the HTTP request/response handling and their DB code etc and then it truly becomes just a dumb client. Message. Lions and Tigers and Bears! It seems weird to say Cordova being a poor experience is a myth and then to say Flutter will always be bad. You actually need to be really familiar with Java (or at least OO principles) to truly understand Kotlin. Ellen Nguyen in Tingly Mind. $5 says the iOS app isn’t THAT common however. I.e, calling some sensitive third party API (banking?) Flutter is focused on the user interface portions of an app and Kotlin MP is focused on non-UX portions. For something like audio/video playback or BLE, I'm guessing that there might be enough differences between Android and iOS that an abstraction that fit both is really unwieldy. The 2 Qualities to Look for in a Serious Partner. A Statement. A lot of mobile (and front end) apps out there have no architecture, putting API calls, state management and UI right next to each other in the same modules. It's written in a mix of Java (older legacy code), Kotlin (new non-Clojure code) and Clojure. Desktop UIs like the web with custom screen reader & extensions & custom css mod and such are not the P0 priority. Trusted Google due to their inability to stick with one Technology are tons of when. 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