1* Planting Rate (PLS lb./ac.) I’ve been reading your article and I was curious about the growing day temperatures. In order to determine optimum spring kill date and corn fertilizer N (FN) rates, hairy vetch was killed early April, late April, or mid‐May, followed by three corn planting dates and … “With a little creativity, hairy vetch can be worked into almost any rotation.”. In the southeastern U.S. early cultivars like ‘AU EarlyCover’ can produce three times the dry matter in February as a late maturing hairy vetch. Thank you, I know it was late but we had a drought for nearly 6 weeks and that was the first viable day for planting. Production. The answer was yes and no. As an example, hairy vetch varieties can vary widely in survivability as it relates to the planting date. Learn how your comment data is processed. Following a dormant seeding, the seed’s metabolic activity will be low, preventing it from germinating, if temperatures remain below 35° F. Once the seed’s temperature reaches 38° F to 40 °F, with sufficient moisture, germination begins. This means that hairy vetch should be terminated after May 1 in southern Pennsylvania, after May 10 in central Pennsylvania, and after May 20 in northern Pennsylvania and higher altitudes. Residue: 4,000 to 7,000 lb./acre Nitrogen: 90 to 200 lb. Fertilizer: If hairy vetch is planted in a mixture with small grains, apply a second application of 400 lbs. Hairy vetch has a relatively high P and K requirement and, like all legumes, needs sufficient sulfur and … If practical, apply lime a minimum of 3 months before planting. Plots were 1.5 by 6.1 m with four Ideal seeding depth: ½–1½". Hi Amber–great question! The leaves have long, soft hairs with 10 to 20 leaflets borne opposite each other and tendrils at the end. To fix much nitrogen, the hairy vetch should not be terminated too early in the spring (Table 1). It is therefore vital that dormant seeding be followed by a consistently cold winter. It is widely adapted and hardy in the north with snow cover. ft.) for pure hairy vetch stands. /1000 sq. Common Vetch COMMON VETCH (Vicia sativa L.) Other English names: Tare, Spring Vetch. If seed are disked in, the use of a culti-packer or roller after seeding ensures good seed/soil contact and improves stand emergence. For example, a planting date of October 15 will be good for cereal rye, winter wheat and triticale. Plant vetch 30 to 45 days before killing frost for winter annual management; in early spring for summer growth; or in July if you want to kill or incorporate it in fall or for a winter-killed mulch. It is normally seeded at 20 to 40 pounds per acre. Inoculant: Unless pre-inoculated, hairy vetch seed must be inoculated with selected Rhizobia strains (strain C) of bacteria just prior to planting for optimal root nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The corn would need not only an ample amount of nitrogen from the vetch but also plenty of dense biomass for weed suppression. Management: ft.). Seeding Rate: 30 lbs. The flowers, borne in a dense one-sided spike, are violet and white to rose colored. In central Wisconsin or Minnesota, the best time to plant vetch is from July 25 to August 30. (Thousands) JULY 1 AUG.I May 3 May 16 May 31 SEPT.I SEPT.15 Planting WinterKing hairy vetch can be seeded at a rate of 10-40 lbs/acre depending on the mix or purpose. I am curious if they will continue to grow as long as the day temperatures stay above 50 F, which is what we are experiencing now. A dormant seed should be just as the name implies throughout the cold months—asleep and inactive beneath soil, residue and snow. Despite the deceptive warmth, growing hairy vetch as it was destined to grow—as a winter annual—would have been risky business. Table 1. These options are best plowed down for nitrogen for the following crop, and may require additional compost or manure for fertility. When used as a pasture crop, it can be mixed with small grains or annual ryegrass. In a mixture with winter annual grasses and annual clovers to extend the productive life of the food plot into early summer. Planting Depth (in.) Hairy vetch is a branching, spreading annual that forms a dense ground cover. Is it too early to plant american vetch in New York (I am writing on March 17)? Lawson A., C. Cogger, A.Bary, A. Fortuna. per 1000 sq. Method: Choose a well-drained site that receives a minimum of 8 hours of full sun. /1000 sq. Apply fertilizer just prior to seeding. Hairy vetch is a widely adapted, winter hardy cool-season annual legume that supplies an abundant amount of palatable forage for deer and turkeys and other wildlife in late spring into early summer. And if it is okay, should I soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours prior to planting? Hairy vetch is ideal ahead of /1000 sq. Earlier plantings are desirable to maximize growth and develop a good root system before cold weather. For northern farmers who need a more winter-hardy vetch, look for a northern seed tag origin. Thank you for your feedback. When planted at an optimum date, 1112 and 1350 GDD were required for AU Early Cover and common hairy vetch, respectively, to reach 50% flowering. Although it will not provide winter ground cover (we made up for this by planting into residue), it provides a sound alternative to spring planting. This species is known to have a great rooting system, with a tap root that will extend 1 to 3 feet into the soil profile. The trial had begun with a September 1 planting of hairy vetch (an ideal, “normal” date for our region) in some plots, and would end with a spring planting on March 28, 2007. A soil test will tell you how much fertilizer and lime is needed. Vetch Rye+Clover Rye+Vetch 11/30 Treatments planted on October 2 nd. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The goal was to follow the vetch cover crop with a no-till corn crop, ideally planted into the rolled vetch mulch. Duke (1981) reported that hairy vetch tolerates mean annual temperatures ranging from 4.3-21.1 C, with a mean of 42 cases of 12.0. Hairy Vetch. The soil was on the brink of freezing beneath the residue, but it still had some give. To plant hairy vetch, plow the soil as you would for any regular crop. Barley was close behind. Seeding rate: 15 to 20 lb./acre drilled; 25 to 40 lb./acre broadcast. After emergence, the seedlings begin to grow before the frost, form a crown (indicated by several secondary shoots from the base of the main stem), and then use stored root carbohydrate reserves to survive dormancy over the winter. © 2021 Rodale Institute. Seed produced in northern states was grown in and survived the colder conditions and therefore has a higher likelihood of winter-hardiness. /1000 sq. 2015. Southwest facing slopes are hotter in the summer and tend to dry out faster than bottom land. Planting date: 15 to 45 days before killing frost. In the deep South, hairy vetch can be planted from early September to mid-November, depending on location. As a research intern at the Rodale Institute in 2006, I was lucky to be part of a dormant seeding trial using, creatively, the winter annual cover crop hairy vetch. Seeding Date: South - Sept. 15 thru Nov. 1; Upper South - Sept. 1 thru Oct. 15; North – Aug. 15 thru Oct. 1. 5. per acre 10-10-10 fertilizer (10 lbs. When selecting a wildlife food plot site, choose an area that is long and narrow with curves or bends in it. ft.) or equivalent fertilizer in late winter just prior to the spring growth flush of the small grains to boost forage production and extend the browsing period into spring. While possible to spring plant, HV is best planted in late summer to early fall, or early winter for a dormant seeding. Planting on a weed free, smooth and firm seedbed that allows good seed-soil contact is essential for a thick, productive forage stand. In some parts of California and the East in Zone 6, hairy … Every successful food plot begins with a soil test. Growing hairy vetch in gardens is easy enough. View our financial Farmers on the northern plains often have to contend with snowy, icy, or muddy conditions well into the spring, which interferes with timely planting of the year’s crop. With a little creativity, hairy vetch can be worked into almost any rotation, and it’s well worth the effort for the soil enrichment, fertility and weed suppression it provides. Prepare a clean, smooth and firm seedbed by plowing and dragging the soil. Botanical description: Common Vetch is an annual plant closely related to peas. 2. In a mixture, 50 pounds of rye and … Tilling the vetch under, letting it decompose and then planting your crop will go one step further by adding organic matter to the soil. Fall temperatures during the experiment year were warmer than usual, so many time-strapped farmers were calling Dave in October to ask if they could still plant hairy vetch. For best results, plant 3-6 weeks prior to the average … 3. Planting too shallow or too deep can result in stand failure. Duke (1981) also recounted briefly the history of hairy vetch breeding and seed production in the U.S. ft.) or an equivalent fertilizer and 1 ton/acre ag lime (50 lbs. AU Early Cover provides an alternative for Maryland growers that desire a legume cover crop that flowers earlier than common hairy vetch. TYPE: Cool season reseeding annual legume. Growth correlates with growing degree days (units of average daily temperature compared to a base at which no growth takes place) which are calculated for hairy vetch using a base temperature of 4° C (39.2° F). Seeding Depth: ¼ - ½ inch (stand failures will result from seed planted too shallow or too deep). Results from the 2006-2007 trial, however, showed us that farmers would almost certainly be better off using the dormant seeding approach, with all its risks, rather than waiting until spring and gambling on potentially un-plant-able fields to seed the vetch in time. 4. 2* Planting Date (Prepared seedbed or no till) Overseed Remarks Caley pea Lathyrus hirsutus 0.25 -0.5 35 09/15 - 11/30 09/15 - 11/30 Low bloat potential, high percentage of hard seed. Fertilizer and lime can be applied during this step to incorporate it into the soil. As a cover crop prior to a food plot planting of corn, millet or grain sorghum to supply organic nitrogen and improve soil tilth and productivity. Common vetch lowers the overall C:N ratio of the mixture, speeding decomposition and decreasing competition from soil bacteria for plant-available N during the early summer growing season. Ours have sprouted and are about an inch tall consistently throughout the fields. We increased the seeding rates for the dormant- and spring-seeded vetch, from the fall rate of 27 lbs/acre to 33.5 lbs/acre. per 1000 sq. /acre 0-20-20 (7 lbs. A minimum of 50% full sunshine is essential for a healthy and productive food plot. It's important to inoculate the seed with fresh vetch inoculum just prior to planting. If farmers miss the critical window for planting hairy vetch (typically 40 to 50 days before the first killing frost, or mid-August to mid-September here in Berks County, Pennsylvania), the data shows that dormant seeding may be their next best bet. ft.) when planted in mixtures. This increased rate helps to compensate for the more extreme conditions that the seedlings are likely to weather during emergence and the earliest and most vulnerable stages of growth. See your local county extension office for soil sampling assistance. vetch that is available commercially flowers later than time for planting hairy vetch at that location and a planting is convenient for many of these growers to plant. Tips for Successful Food Plots: Because of its sprawling, viney growth habit, hairy vetch can suppress late winter/early spring annual weeds. On December 20, 2006, I joined Dave and Owen Maguire of the farm operations crew in filling the grain box of the Tye stubble drill with vetch seed and rode out into the barren winter field. As a legume, hairy vetch requires no commercial nitrogen fertilizer. Or, if a soil test from the plot area indicates soil potassium and phosphorus levels are adequate, a sidedress application of 34-0-0 at 125 lbs. Dave Wilson, my supervisor at the time and encyclopedia for all things agronomic, got the idea for dormant seeding from hearing stories of farmers in North Dakota who used the practice to get a head start on planting spring wheat, since conditions for driving a tractor in a northern spring can be quite tricky, often excessively wet and muddy. Seeding Date: South - Sept. 15 thru Nov. 1; Upper South - Sept. 1 thru Oct. 15; North – Aug. 15 thru Oct. 1. Good soil moisture at the time of planting, but no rain for about 12 days after planting. Hairy vetch showed higher plant phosphorus (P) concentrations than crimson clover, red clover or a crimson/ryegrass mixture in aTexas trial.Soil under hairy vetch also had the lowest level of P remaining after growers applied high amounts of poultry litter prior to vegetable crops (121). Do not include brassicas or hairy vetch, because October 15 is past their optimum planting time (see the Midwest Cover Crop Council website below for further reading). But it is probably better than nothing for the farmer who missed their ideal fall seeding window. information. per acre (5 oz. Hairy vetch is a winter annual or summer annual legume depending on when and where it is planted. /acre (3 lbs. /acre 10-10-10 (10 lbs. Took longer for the vetch and clover to germinate. It can be established in fall or spring and makes a great cover crop for nitrogen production and to smother weeds. Information on taking a soil test can be obtained from your local county extension office. Planting: Most woodland soils have low pH and low fertility. per acre or more nitrogen providing ample quantities needed for its own growth while sharing some with companion forages (when used in mixes). (Consult the local University Extension Office for adaptability and planting dates for the region.) Warm mid- to late-fall weather can support hairy vetch emergence and early growth, but these hospitable temperatures can plunge without warning, leaving vulnerable seedlings with too little biomass and insufficient energy supplies left to withstand brutal weather. ft.) or an equivalent fertilizer and 1 ton/acre ag lime (50 lbs. Season type: Winter legume. The vetch winterkilled at the August 1 planting date, so the biomass is made up of rye only at this date. Since rye should not be sown before August 15, rye and vetch should be drilled together August 20 to 30. per acre (5 oz. Hairy vetch is valuable for use in no-till systems. N/acre. per acre (11 oz. When the seed does germinate, it depletes its energy reserves, and is unlikely to survive prolonged periods of freezing once its first shoot emerges. However, neither dormant seeding nor spring seeding is likely to yield enough biomass for an effective weed-suppressing mulch in a no-till system. Inoculant: Pea-type/Vetch-type. Hairy vetch also fixes nitrogen which can be utilized by subsequent crops. Our trial was quite unusual, because we took this practice and applied it to a winter annual, in effect shifting and condensing the vetch’s life cycle to fit our rotation. Amber. It is best used in mixtures with cool season annual grasses and clovers. Genevieve Slocum and Dave Wilson. When mature, our two later crops were weedier than the fall-planted vetch, since the earlier vetch had a few months to put on growth that out-competed contemporaneous weeds. A later planting date means increased probability of temperatures dipping below these ranges, which means less likelihood that plants will grow enough to conduct adequate energy reserves, through photosynthesis, into their root storage systems. 3 Grazing value based on combination of growth/yield potential, nutritive value, and palatability (1 = poor, 2 = good, 3 = very good, 4 = excellent). Hairy vetch is one of the most winter hardy legumes. 6. Region: Crimson Clover: Hairy Vetch: Austrian Winter Pea: Cahaba White Vetch: Mountains: Not adapted: Preferred dates: August 10 to September 15: Possible dates: August 10 to September 15: Piedmont: August 25 to October 1: August 25 to October 15: August 25 to October 1: Not adapted: Coastal plain: Preferred dates Do you mean once the temperatures dip below 39 F at night the plant is done growing for the season, or is it after the temperatures dip below 39 F during the day? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Hairy vetch delivers heavy contributions of mineralized N (readily available to the following cash crop). We suggest you reach out to our Organic Crop Consultant Sam Malriat (Sam.Malriat@RodaleInstitute.org) with your questions. Website by Infantree. Vicia villosa. information. When used as a winter-annual cover crop and planted during this window in early fall, hairy vetch puts on preliminary growth, goes dormant in seedling form over winter, and blooms the following spring. : 4,000 to 7,000 lb./acre nitrogen: 90 to 200 lb, I live in southern Indiana Zone! The rolled vetch mulch droughty sites such as eroded hillsides or shallow, rocky soils temperatures early! Seed production in the spring ( Table 1 ) northern seed tag origin, winter and. Planted from early September to mid-November, depending on location, A. Fortuna only be known with experience. And survived the colder conditions and therefore has a higher likelihood of winter-hardiness missed their ideal fall seeding.. An example, a planting date of October 15 will be good for cereal rye, winter wheat and.. The history of hairy vetch is one of the food plot into summer... All content copyright © 2019 Pennington seed, Inc. all Rights Reserved better than nothing for the roots to before... 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